Let me start at the beginning...Chris and Kristy hosted Easter at their house again this year, and while we were there Boo was able to drive Thomas' truck around their yard. Well, ever since then anytime Boo sees one, she says that she wants one. A few weeks back we were playing in the toy store and she saw all the motorized cars. She spent half an hour going back and forth from each car, checking them out. Again, all she talked about was how she wanted one. I told her that she couldn't have one b/c there is no room in our garage for her to have one and have her big play house. I then told her that if she wanted to sell her playhouse to some other little boy or girl and take that money and buy herself a car, she could. She agreed and said she would sell her house. I dropped the subject for a few days, and then the Fisher-Price catalog (better known as Boo's magazine) came in the mail. She found the page with the cars on it and without prompting she said "Mommy, I can sell my house and buy this car..ok!" So we did...I was a little worried what would happen when we actually SOLD her house, but she did great. We sold it last week on Craig's list and gave her the money for it. She did great! She didn't get upset at all about her house being gone (thank goodness)! So on Friday afternoon we went to the toy store to buy her a car. She picked out the Black Escalade and LOVES it! Here are a couple pictures of her driving Zach around!
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