May 16, 2008

Beach Trip to the Outer Banks

Earlier this month, we went to the Outer Banks with Uncle Chris, Aunt Jamie, Mia and Aunt Jamie's family. We had such a great time, and Boo really liked having a ton of playtime with Mia! While we were there, Greg and I took the kids to the top of Jockey's Ridge. It was quite a hike carrying Zach all that way (he is so heavy...)! Boo climbed the whole thing herself! At the top, she just kept saying over and over "Can you believe this sand box!"

This picture below is for Uncle Chris (the other one:)! We ate at his favorite restaurant! They have the best food ever!! Yum! Sorry you weren't with us Chris...but we thought of you!

The title of this picture should be "How many people does it take to fly a kite?" Uncle Chris, Zach, Mia's "Fave Uncle Dave", Greg, and Boo all tried to get the kite up. It was very funny watching them try to fly this kite! They did get the kite to fly, and Boo was happy:)

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