November 19, 2007

Lets backtrack a bit...

I can't believe how long its been since I've posted, here is a quick update!

Zach is doing great! He has (knock on wood) past his fussy stage! This was a little hard to get used to because Mackenzie "never" cried, but luckily his fussy stage just lasted a few weeks! He is becoming more active and is alert more of the time now. He LOVES playing with his hanging toys! And, the best part of all is seeing his face when he sees Boo! He automatically lights up when he sees or hears her!

Boo is also doing great! She is busy making her Christmas list for Santa! So far she wants a "big tv to hang on her bedroom wall just like daddy and a flashlight!" I have told her that Santa's sleigh isn't big enough for the tv, but maybe he could get her a flashlight:) This past week, she has also discovered that she can open doors herself! UGGGHHHHH! She has never had an interest in opening doors (nor did I want her to have one), but for some reason, last week she decided she wanted to open the closet door to get out some toys! Well, this lead to all sorts of things! My good sleeper is now getting up anywhere from 5-6am, opening her door and running down the hall shouting "Good morning everyone. I open my way out door!" She is too smart for her own good....I told her that she may not open her bedroom door or her closet door without Mommy or Daddy, she has renamed her bedroom door her "way out door!"

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