January 24, 2007

Boo loves her Charlie!

For those of you who don't know...I'm a HUGE Charlie Gibson fan! Boo and I used to watch him every morning on Good Morning America, and now we just get to see him on the evening news. Every night we turn on the nightly news, say "Hello" to Charlie and then turn it off (GMA was "safe" for a toddler to watch, but the nightly news is not very suitable). The other night, when the news came on, there was another person doing it. Without Greg or I saying anything, Boo said "uh-oh, where Charlie go!" This actually happened 2 nights in a row:) After the 2nd night we told her that we didn't know where Charlie was. She quickly jumped up on the couch and pointed to the picture on the mantel of me and Charlie. She then said "there mama and Charlie!"

OK...one more Charlie story......last night he came on tv to announce the State of the Union Address coming on...Boo got REALLY excited and started jumping up and down on the bed saying "there Charlie" over and over!

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