February 27, 2006

Cha Ching!

UH OH DADDY! Watch out....Booskie has a hold of the credit card!

Last night before dinner Booskie played with my old credit card. She would run around the house with delight holding this cc. Well, when I told her it was time for dinner, and took the cc away from her---she threw a HUGE fit! I think this was her worse tantrum ever.....she was not happy. I gave it back to her and told her she could hold the card until I put the food on her tray, but then I would have to have the card. She played for a few more minuets while I fixed her food, and when I went to get her for dinner, she took off "running." She did not want to let go of her cc for anything.....needless to say there were a few tears shead, but once she saw those fruit puffs on her tray, all was right with the world again:)

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