February 27, 2006

No words needed here....

Cha Ching!

UH OH DADDY! Watch out....Booskie has a hold of the credit card!

Last night before dinner Booskie played with my old credit card. She would run around the house with delight holding this cc. Well, when I told her it was time for dinner, and took the cc away from her---she threw a HUGE fit! I think this was her worse tantrum ever.....she was not happy. I gave it back to her and told her she could hold the card until I put the food on her tray, but then I would have to have the card. She played for a few more minuets while I fixed her food, and when I went to get her for dinner, she took off "running." She did not want to let go of her cc for anything.....needless to say there were a few tears shead, but once she saw those fruit puffs on her tray, all was right with the world again:)

First time brushing teeth!

Booskie brushed her teeth last night for the 1st time! We weren't sure how she would like it, but she didn't seem to mind it too much! I helped her for the first part, and then I let her "brush" her teeth by herself--she was so proud of herself!

February 24, 2006

Boo's basket....

....she loves playing in her basket! She sat in here a long time this am. Thomas realized how much fun she was having, so he decided to join in. He tried so hard to pull her in the basket, but just couldn't do it....he had fun trying though!


...it's been a couple of days since I have been able to post stuff, so here goes!

As usual, Boo pulled her favorite UNC team to victory over the Wolfpack! Although she didn't stay up to watch the game, she was cheering for the boys in blue. She wore her Wolfpack Girls t-shirt, and sat in her UNC chair, while playing over at Uncle Chris and Aunt Jamie's house. (FYI everytime UNC plays State, Mackenzie wears the same Wolfpack t-shirt, yet UNC always wins.....Uncle Chris, You might want to get her a UNC t-shirt to see if that could possibly help out your team:)!

She didn't stay in her chair very long, because she knew of all the fun things she could do over at their house. First, she showed everyone how she could climb their stairs---she does so well at this for not having stairs in her own house! Then it was off to play in Uncle Chris and Aunt Jamie's room. Next was a new discovery--Aunt Jamie's tupperware cabinet. This occupied her for 20 minuets! She pulled out all that she could, and then with the help of Aunt Jamie and "Auntie Marie" she began making towers, and knocking them down! She had a blast hanging out with everyone:)

February 21, 2006

Exciting 1st for Day Care!!!!

Today was a very "exciting" day for day care!!! When we go to Target, the kids usually ride in their double stroller, but today we "upgraded" to the Target buggy! Woooo Hoooo! The kids were so excited when I first buckled them in their little seats. They did really well, and seemed to like their new view of Target, until they realized that they could touch each other!!!

Hi Dada!

Last night Mackenzie had a blast playing on her toy phone! She would bring it to me, and then I would tell her that Daddy was on the phone, and she would take it back. She tries hard to hold the phone up to her ear, but it usually ends up under her chin. At one point, after I handed her the phone she said "Hi Dada!"

February 19, 2006

Surprise Visitors

Also on Saturday I had some surprise visitors, grandpa and grandma from Jamestown came to play. We had a great time running around the house, "reading" magazines and playing in Thomas' carseat. Finally we rolled around in the playroom and grandpa let me play the drums on his head. It was great fun, but in the end I was sad they had to go home.

Family Day

Last night Mackenzie spent a few hours with Uncle Chris and Aunt Jamie, while Greg and I went to Cathy and Kyle's Engagement Party. She always has such a good time playing with them, and as usual, Uncle Chris "crashed" before she did! She must have been worn out because this morning she slept till 8! After we all got up, we went to have breakfast at Panera Bread, and then made our (ok, one of MANY) weekly Target trips! Last week with Grammy and Dub, she discovered all the children's gardening things, so this week, she showed Daddy all of the cool stuff! Looks like this spring Aunt Jamie will have a gardening buddy:)

More dresses....

On Saturday, we made another trip to David's Bridal to help Aunt Cathy pick out a wedding dress. Mackenzie LOVES this store! She just walks up and down the different aisles looking at and touching all the dresses!

Friday's Wagon Ride

Yeah for wagon rides! We spent all Friday afternoon outside again (we are going to miss the 70 degree weather next week)! Greg made it home from work early, so we all went for a long wagon ride! When we got back to the house, it was time to play some more in the front yard. Thomas "helped" Uncle Greg play golf, while Mackenzie learned how all the moving parts of the wagon worked!

More Outside Playtime

Thursday was another awesome day spent outside! The kids have so much fun chasing each other around the yard! Thomas was so busy playing, that he didn't even care that he was losing his pants:) Mackenzie was really into her push toys--although she quickly realized it was much easier to push them on the driveway rather than the grass!

February 15, 2006

Outside Play

We had a blast playing outside this afternoon, the weather was perfect! The kids had so much fun playing in the front yard with their new extra large bouncy balls. Besides enjoying the balls they also had a great time eating the grass and leaves that lay in the yard. Finally, our first grass stains, I am sure there will be many more to come.

Toy Bin

Booskie seems to love playing "IN" her toy baskets lately. Today she dumped all the toys out of her bin, and then crawled in and sat down. Next, she screamed to get Thomas' attention so he would come over to her. As soon as he got to her, he pushed her around the room in the basket! I'm not sure who had more fun, Booskie riding or Thomas' pushing :)

February 13, 2006

Dinner at Fujisan

Because we have Gymboree tomorrow night, we went out to dinner to celebrate our 1st Valentine's Day with Booskie tonight. We decided to go to Fujisan, which is a Japanese restaurant, hoping that Booskie would be entertained. Boy were we right! As the man cooked, her eyes would get wider and wider, just watching his every move! I guess she was tired of waiting for her food, because as you can see in the picture, she started chewing on the table!

February 12, 2006

Lazy Sunday...

....today was a day to just be lazy. After a trip to Target with Grammy and Dub, we spent the rest of the day playing. Booskie had a blast sitting in her exersaucer while watching Daddy build a tv stand in her playroom.

She is constantly chewing on her hands these days, because she has 3 new teeth coming in....ouch!

Booskie also had her first glimce of snow this am. It didn't last long, and she wasn't very impressed....maybe we will have more snow sometime soon:)!

February 11, 2006

Boo the Bride....

This morning we went to David's Bridal to help Aunt Cathy look for dresses. Boo had so much fun running around the store and looking at all the mirrors they had. She also had fun trying on different vails for Aunt Cathy:)