May 21, 2009


In May, we had a friend of Chris and Kristy come over and take pictures of the kids. It was time for their yearly professional pictures, and we were tired of the same old studio pictures, so the photographer was able to take some "real life" pictures for us! We love them!!! If only I knew how to take good pictures...

Mother's Day Tea Party with Lulu

We went to Lulu's nursing home for our annual Mother's Day Tea Party the Friday before Mother's Day. When Mom called to see if Lulu was up for going outside to the party, Lulu said no, that she wasn't up for it. However, as soon as Lulu saw Mackenzie and Zach in her room at the home, she was ready to get outside!!! Lulu hadn't seen Zach for a while, so she was really into watching him. The food this year was a huge tray of fruit with a few pastries. I served Zach a plate of fruit and gave him a fork and he went to town eating. I guess I wasn't refilling his plate fast enough, because the second all his fruit was gone, he stood up in his chair, reached across the table with his fork and started eating the strawberries right off the platter. I have to tell you, that when he did this, Lulu laughed harder than I had EVER heard her laugh before!!! After Lulu stopped laughing, she asked me when was the last time I had fed Zach!!! I had to then tell her that Zach eats all day long...he LOVES his food (and your food, and my food, and the guy across the way's food, the waiters get my point!! The boy can eat)!!!!

Pictures from April and May

Zach is an outside boy for sure! If we let him, he would be out there all day! Here, he is having a blast in the Elmo sprinkler. Hopefully he will enjoy the pool as much as the sprinkler!
Boo dressed up for school!

Boo going on an Easter Egg hunt at Meme and Dub's house.

Going on an egg hunt....

This is what happens when I ask Greg to get Zach dressed!!! YIKES!!! No worries, he didn't leave the house like this:)

April and May have been very busy months for us! From soccer practice, school, play dates, choir and many other activities, we have been on the go a lot. The kids are both doing great and are really into their own things.


Mackenzie has been in choir at our church since January. Since she had never done something like this before, so we weren't sure how she would do, but it turns out that she LOVES it!!! She knows what day we go, and if for some reason we would have to miss choir, she would be mad...very mad. She talks about the choir director often and I have even caught her in her room lining up her stuffed animals acting as if she is the choir director and teaching her animals how to sing. She had her end of year performance a few weeks ago and did pretty good. I wasn't sure that she would sing in front of that many people, but she did...well, she sang about every third word...but that is good for it being her first performance!

Strawberry Picking Time

A few weeks ago, we took the kids to a local strawberry patch to pick strawberries. This was the first time for both of them, and they both loved it. As you can probably already guess, Zach ate his weight in strawberries while we were there. He got the concept of how to pick the berries, but didn't get the fact you were supposed to put them in the bucket:) He had a blast!!! Boo tried some while we were there too, but she was more into picking "just the right ones" and putting them in our bucket! They were so yummy!!!

Random Pictures of Zach

Zach loved the slide at Pullen Park! He must have gone down it 100 times before I was able to get him to move on to something else!

Playing with the phone! He loves this, whether it is the house phone or one of our cell phones. He is actually getting to the point when he "talks" to people. It is fun to watch:)

Driving in the Escalade....this is how he rides about 99% of the time. We are not sure if he is just being comfortable, or if he is holding on for dear life b/c of how Boo drives:)


Boo is really into doing "school work" and "homework" these days. She LOVES to do workbook pages, art projects, you name it...she loves it. She is doing a great job with writing her letters and actually making words. Here are 2 pictures of her first letters that she learned. I had hoped to take a picture of each letter as she learned to write them, but I couldn't keep up (I guess that is a good thing huh?)!

Hilton Head Vacation

The last week of March (yes, I'm very behind in blogging...) we spent a week in Hilton Head with Marie and Charlie. We all had a great time! It rained some, but we were still able to get out and do lots of fun things!

Boo having lunch at the Salty Dog Cafe

Going for a bike ride around Sea Pines

Zach's favorite thing to do in H.H.? Yep, that's right...pushing chairs around the tennis court!!

Our day trip to Savannah to eat at Paula Deen's restaurant The Lady and Sons. Here is Boo with Paula (if you look really close, you can tell it's not the real Paula :)!

Boo's Birthday

It is hard to believe that Mackenzie is 4 years old now!!! This was the first time that we had her party somewhere other than home, and she was really happy about it. The party was at Jumpin Beans and she invited all her friends and family. It was a great time for everyone!