For those of you who don't know, last month I "closed daycare." Thomas is now going to a school closer to his house, and Boo and I are about to go to a new child center ourselves. It was a very hard decision to make, but everyone is doing well. So, long story short, b/c the kids aren't together daily anymore, Kristy and I still want them to reamain close, so each month the kids visit each other overnight (aka all the parents get a break:)! This past weekend Thomas stayed with us, and we all had a blast! Boo and I picked him up at daycare Friday, went to get a happy meal, then came home and played! Thomas and Mackenzie were right back into the swing of thngs! Thomas has a new favorite toy at our house too (sorry Chris) Mackenzie's toy stroller! He would push it every where and anywhere! On Saturday we went to visit Greg's family at a campground, and the kids had a blast there as well....just exploring it all! When we got home Saturday night, the kids took a bath and had so much fun splashing each other! It is nice that they are so close:)