The 1st thing Mackenzie does when she gets to Grammy and Dub's house, is she takes off in search of her favorite toy....a corn popper. Well, today Mackenzie and I went to the store, and we had some spare time, so we strolled through the toy department. All of a sudden, she through a HUGE fit...kicking, screaming, and doing everything in her power to get out of the cart. Since I couldn't figure out what was wrong, I took her out of the cart and put her down....she immediately took off "running" and to my surprise, she found a corn popper! I don't know how she reconized it in the midst of all the toys, but she did. She was so proud of herself, smiling ear to ear and she pushed the corn popper through the store. Needless to say, the corn popper made it home with us:)